Continental Strategies

Continental Strategies

Local Leaders International has grown from partnering with Bible colleges one by one, to intentionally working with groups of colleges in a region. We have increased our effectiveness and impact by focussing on one, or a small group, of the senior colleges in a region and then working through them to impact a larger network of colleges. We have found that this meets the desires of the larger colleges to assist the smaller ones, and the desires of the smaller ones to get assistance from the larger ones.

25 year strategy commenced 2010

Our key partner is Christian Leaders’ Training College, the leading evangelical college in Papua New Guinea. We have worked with many elements of the college over 30 years. Our support of the Master of Theology course has meant that PNG faculty members from many institutions can now study a quality research degree without leaving the country. Local Leaders funds faculty from PNG and other countries around the region to attend the course.

We also work to support other colleges, particularly in the areas of library management and strategic development. Our consultants have worked with various colleges within this strategy.

15 year strategy commenced 2018

Our focus is particularly the 105 Anglican Bible colleges on the continent. We work with seven key colleges in order to support the rest. We currently contribute in various ways to about 60 colleges who are affiliates of the seven hub institutions.

Each year we develop new themes that are championed by one or more of the key colleges. These themes include faculty development, library development, IT and online education development, resource mobilisation for financial sustainability, pedagogy to improve teaching, urban mission in the fast-growing cities, generosity as an antidote to the prosperity gospel, and, engaging with our Muslim neighbours to help with peace-building, apologetics and mission.

Our goal is to make a massive difference to the church in the continent by significantly increasing the competence of the 105 colleges, thus providing the leaders that are needed for the church to be holy and for its mission to expand.

10 year strategy commenced 2018

Our near neighbour has been a focus of prayer at Local Leaders for many years and we have moved from supporting just one college, Tyrannus Bible Seminary, to now working with a network of 50 evangelical colleges called PASTI. We collaborate with the PASTI Executive Committee to understand their greatest needs and each year we support faculty development, conferences for improving skills, and help them fulfil the accreditation demands imposed by the government.

4 year strategy commenced 2021

Following the lockdowns of 2020, Local Leaders and our network affiliates contributed significantly to help with emergency online teaching. We have recognised a need to do much more so that the foundation which was laid can be built upon. In this way students will be better educated for their ministry callings.

We have secured significant funding to work with 125 key evangelical colleges around the world. This is for three types of investment: IT Capacity for Bible colleges to have what they need to deliver the courses online; Faculty Competence to help lift their ability to deliver quality online education, and; Course Content to provide suitable material for faculty members when they design their new online courses.

Local Leaders is working closely with several international organisations to ensure all these aims are met and that there are lasting benefits beyond the 4-year focus. We are also expanding our footprint by working in all the regions of the Majority World, adding Latin America, Central Asia, Eastern Europe and Francophone Africa, as well as increasing our commitments in Asia, Middle East & North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.

Our expectation is that this strategy will both greatly improve the quality of online education and provide access to many new students thus growing the leadership base for the church in the Majority World by tens of thousands of people.

To find out more about these strategies please contact the Local Leaders office.