Student Sponsorship

Student Sponsorship

There can be few greater causes than training leaders for the church, equipping and teaching individuals who will emerge as resourceful, indigenous Christian leaders in their context. By supporting nationals in their own country during their studies, the church is assured of a steady flow of pastors, evangelists and church planters. On graduation, students not only know their local culture, but are able to minister for decades after their training, supported by their local church.

Each year Local leaders International provides scholarships to over 200 students who are studying at our partner colleges. Each college selects students who need our help and whose lives demonstrate vision, integrity and competence.

A Local Leaders sponsorship makes a major contribution to the needs of the whole college and funds are distributed carefully to avoid colleges becoming dependent on a single source of income support.



Recognise the value of sponsoring a national student who will become a future leader of the church in the Majority World.


Commit to finance a student scholarship for $2,600 per year as an individual, couple, or a group, (payable monthly, quarterly, six monthly or yearly).

Ideally you will be able to commit to sponsoring and praying for that student until they finish their course. If the College advises that the student finish date has changed you will be contacted and have the option to continue or cease sponsorship. You can end support by contacting our office at any time.


Receive occasional letters from the students and pray for them. When your funds are received you will receive a profile of your student and some information on the college that they attend.


At Local Leaders International, we don’t view student sponsorship as simply a financial transaction, but as an important partnership where both parties learn from and pray for each other. Our staff are always thrilled to get to know our supporters and find out what regions they are passionate about. This allows us to carefully match students with supporters and answer questions about the process of partnership.

If you would like to support Bible colleges, but cannot commit to a full sponsorship, talk to us about the many other ways that you can contribute. From infrastructure projects to grassroots programs in restricted access nations, there are plenty of ways that you can support Christian leadership development in the Majority World.


If you’re keen to partner with us, we’d love to speak with you.

To start a conversation, please fill out your details below. Your information will only be used to initiate a conversation about student sponsorship. Your details will not be added to our mailing list or used for any other purpose. Alternatively, you are welcome to call our office on (02) 9635 4409 and leave a message with your return phone number.



Sponsored students go on to minister in their communities and impact their regions.
Enjoy these reports from students who have completed their studies and are now flourishing as competent leaders in their local context


Completed a Diploma in Cross-Cultural Mission at Carlile College, Kenya.
Graduated in 2015.

An exemplary student at Carlile College, Rose has gone on to have a fruitful ministry as an evangelist. Married with three children, she now serves within the Anglican church of Kenya, in the North Rift Valley.

She writes, “Since I left the college I have served as the Theological Education by Extension (TEE) Coordinator in our Diocese. My work involves forming Bible study groups in different parishes across the Diocese.”

TEE has been extensively used by the Anglican Church of Kenya for many years to train lay leaders for church ministry. Rose explains the impact of this program: “Many Christians have been transformed and strengthened in their faith and some are now serving the church in various ways such as in Mothers Union, Sunday school, or as lay readers.”

The youngest of eight children to Christian parents who ran a small farm, Rose grew up near Lake Victoria and gave her life to Christ when she was young. She completed secondary school and then studied a further course in tailoring and small business, while serving in her church. In 2012, she began a diploma in cross-cultural mission at Carlile College, graduating in 2015.

She writes: “College training was a blessing to me. I was able to discover my call to serve the Lord, though I was already serving in the church in different capacities. The training I received equipped me more. While in the college I was able to identify the areas I was weak, and I was equipped through the training.”

Coming to College with a particular interest in ministering to children and youth, Rose soon realised she had a call to women’s ministry. She also focused on understanding the gospel in the African context.

“Carlile College enabled me to understand and know how to study the Bible and relate it to different contexts,” she writes. “The training has impacted my ministry by enhancing my outreach to people, the approach of doing evangelism and the courage of moving on in the ministry knowing that all authority has been given to me by Jesus Christ.”

“I now proclaim the gospel boldly. Seeing people come to Christ, get delivered and be able to serve God holistically gives me strength. I owe it all to the training I got from Carlile.”


Completed a Bachelor of Theology at Christian Leaders Training College in Papua New Guinea.
Graduated in 2015. Currently undertaking a Master’s degree.

Since his graduation in 2015, Jessy has spent years in church leadership and holistic ministry in his country of Papua New Guinea but decided to return to CLTC to do his Masters degree.

He writes: “The training moved me up to a whole new level of spiritual and moral maturity. However, there are many pressing theological and moral issues out there in my church and community that are still a great challenge to me. This has prompted me to come back to continue on with the Master’s Program here at CLTC.”

Now married with two children, Jessy grew up in a Christian family in the Highlands of PNG, but in his own words, ‘didn’t live a very good Christian life’ for some time. After some challenges in 2004, he heard the message of Jesus, repented, and came to faith. Studying theology opened his heart to see God and His love for the world, and motivated Jessy to serve.

He writes: “Prior to coming to the college in 2011 for my Bachelor of Theology, I served as a deacon in my local congregation. My understanding of the gospel was narrow at that time, but after the training my perceptions of the gospel broadened, and it had great impact in my ministry, specifically in contextualisation. I was able to communicate the gospel in a more culturally relevant way and live it out practically to influence others.”

Intending to be a church leader after his Bachelor’s course, Jessy says that theological study also helped him to communicate and relate well with other community organisations. “It helped me not only to be a church leader, but a community leader as well. That is, involved not only in the spiritual aspects of ministry, but also in the social welfare of my community. One thing that really impacted my faith as we were studying was that people’s spiritual and physical needs must be addressed together, especially here in Melanesia.”

Local Leaders supports men and women who preach and teach the redeeming love of Jesus.
Our sponsored students minister to widows and orphans, seek justice for their communities
and become leaders in their nations.