Resource Mobilisation In Africa

As part of our Africa Mile Deep Strategy, we regularly facilitate courses on Resource Mobilisation. Run by our Africa Director, Dr Nancy Njagi, the courses inspire Bible college leaders to take a fresh look at the resources under their control that could be unlocked and developed for greater financial stability. After taking part in these […]


Many theological teachers have had little or no training in how to actually teach! We’ve been running very successful training courses for whole faculty groups which can be a one-off course or an ongoing learning experience over two years. It makes a big difference to the learning outcomes of the students. Our staff members, Drs […]


Our new College Building Fund provides another option for our supporters to receive tax deductions when they strategically invest in Bible colleges in the Majority World. The urgent need now is at Myanmar Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (MEGST). They have gradually bought 22 apartments in a complex of 42 apartments and need 4E, which […]


A key part of the Pasifika Strategy is to use the strength of the ‘hub’ college, Christian Leaders Training College, to assist smaller Bible schools to improve their work. Our Director, Dr George Mombi is working to lift six such schools up to be able to teach at diploma level this year. It will be […]


The MTh program has consistently included faculty members (with family members) from countries outside PNG and we want to continue to provide for these families to come for the two-year program. The MTh level of study allows participants to examine their culture and context in the light of good biblical and theological understanding. This equips […]


In many parts of the Majority World there is a dominance of theological study from a social sciences perspective. This is done for practical reasons, and sometimes to fulfill government requirements. Our consultants, Drs Dick and Caroline Seed, recently provided training to senior scholars in Indonesia and Uganda. This had great effect on these leaders […]

Faculty Study Grants In Africa

It is a key indictor of improved education for students when faculty are grown in their understanding through higher studies. Their research topics are relevant, and often they are the first to write on an aspect of ministry or mission in their country. Take Dr Alfred Sebahene’s case for example. He writes: “Local Leaders’ support […]

Masters in Transformational Development

Throughout the Majority World there are a myriad of Christian mission and non-government agencies working in aid and development. Local Leaders has been supporting the delivery of a Masters course (MTD) to promote Biblically based ‘best practice’ for leaders already working in the field. The MA is a field based program that reflects on the […]

Pasifika Strategy Expansion

The Pasifika Strategy is a 25 year plan to redefine theological training and church leadership in the Pacific. Now twelve years into the strategy, Local Leaders has supported the training of more than 60 evangelical church leaders and faculty members from Bible colleges across the Pacific at Masters level. With your help we can realise […]

Faculty Study Grants in Asia

Local Leaders identified some years ago that one of the key ways to improve the educational outcomes for students was to invest in the faculty members’ study. Each year we have about 40 faculty members whom we support to get masters and doctoral degrees. Just like Joshua George (pictured), who visited us earlier this year, […]