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The Local Leaders International Prayer Alert is a quarterly publication designed to equip our supporters and friends with information provided from our partner theological colleges around the world, and also from our staff and board. The Prayer Alert contains sections for praise and thanksgiving, including prayer requests from students and faculty at our partner colleges. Prayer is a key way to engage with the mission of Local Leaders International. The Prayer Alert is provided at no cost to our subscribers.
Autumn 2025
In this edition, you’ll read about how some of our Bible college partners have moved mission closer to the centre of their activity. In doing so, they have been able to be more relevant to their actual context; send out their graduates far better equipped, and; do good in their countries through the very activity of mission. We hope this edition will help you to pray for those who don’t know Christ and are being reached by college students and faculty members.
Summer 2024/2025
Our summer edition of Prayer Alert gives an update on the 25-year Pasifika Strategy as we pass the half-way mark and assess where we are up to. The strategy aims to accelerate the capacity of each province and country in the South Pacific region to teach God’s word with faithfulness and contextual relevance. We trust that this update encourages you and encourages your prayers. Please give thanks for what has been achieved and ask for God’s blessing for ongoing development.
Spring 2024
In this edition you’ll hear directly from women in the Majority World who are leading and teaching in the sphere of theological education. You’ll read about the obstacles they’ve faced to become faculty members and how they have progressed in their careers. There is both privilege and pain in their journeys to become respected teachers and mentors. The stories are moving and highlight God’s goodness in developing highly capable leaders for the church in diverse contexts.
Winter 2024
Well trained faculty members are essential for Bible colleges to succeed in preparing students for ministry. Not only do they teach and mentor, but they also assist with the organisational complexities of running a seminary. That’s why Local Leaders International has a Faculty Study Grant Program. In this edition, you’ll hear from leaders who have received a Faculty Study Grant and how their research is impacting students, the church and society in their regions.
Autumn 2024
Our Autumn Prayer Alert showcases a variety of perspectives on what families bring to the total educational environment of our partner Bible colleges. As we explore the theme of families on campus, please store up the things you learn and turn them into prayer for the students and colleges you support. This edition will help you to pray richer prayers for the formation years of these future leaders of the church.
Summer 2023/2024
While people throughout history have always been moving from place to place, the scale of migration in this generation is unprecedented. This edition of Prayer Alert highlights how our partner Bible colleges are grappling with the needs of diaspora peoples and responding effectively for God’s glory. Our hope is that these stories will help you to pray with greater clarity and fervour about this important issue.
Spring 2023
Our Spring edition gives an update on the progress of Local Online: A Global Strategy (LOGS), our program to assist over 125 Bible colleges in the Majority World to develop their online offering for training leaders. It is a joy to report that after just two years of the strategy, we have assisted the creation of over 8,500 new positions for students to study God’s word and train to be leaders for the church and society. That’s like opening 50 new Bible colleges, without needing one brick!
Winter 2023
Seminaries provide the church with the leaders it needs and, therefore, a dynamic synergy has to be the goal for a healthy relationship between both entities. As you read the different approaches of our partner Bible colleges, we hope this Prayer Alert will help you to pray with nuance about what is needed for good seminary – church relationships in each place.
Autumn 2023
This edition of Prayer Alert is designed to give answers to ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ about our ministry. We hope it is a handy resource for introducing your friends to the ministry and fills in some of the details you wonder about too. We have tried to make it clear ‘what we do and why we do it’, but we also have in mind ‘how you can join in’.
Summer 2022/2023
In this edition we have asked some of our partner college leaders to help us understand the diversity of their student bodies. This prompts us to consider both the theory and practice of their teaching experience. You’ll also enjoy our feature on Stuart Brookings 20 year anniversary serving as Local Leaders Executive Director! We hope this edition encourages you and helps you to pray clearly for our partner colleges and their students.
Spring 2022
Our Spring edition of Prayer Alert focuses on the complex issue of leading with vulnerability. In the West, we desire Christian leaders to be vulnerable and open about their faults, but this is not so for many cultures around the world where vulnerability can bring shame. You will see from the articles written by leaders in our partner Bible colleges the different ways in which they seek to explain their context and the concept of vulnerability.
Winter 2022
In our Winter edition, we introduce you to our board of directors. Each one shares about why they love the ministry and draws attention to one or two aspect of what we do. We hope you find it helpful to hear their insights and to pray for the ministries. You can also read about our new name and branding.
Autumn 2022
In this issue, Local Leaders staff share their reflections on the book “Teaching Across Cultures. A Global Christian Perspective”. We hope our reflections lead you to affirm with us the importance of raising up people from their own place to not only bring the gospel, but to teach the teachers. It is that to which we are committed.
Summer 2021/2022
This edition focuses on Local Online: A Global Strategy. It tells the story of cooperation that is happening around the world and the potential for thousands of faculty members to be upskilled through online education. Thousands of future pastors and church planters will be blessed through the strategy.
© Local Leaders International 2023 • Website by Cocoon Creative
© Local Leaders International 2023
Website by Cocoon Creative